Shenae Grimes, aged 33, addresses critics who claim she has aged poorly without resorting to fillers or botox

Shenae Grimes, aged 33, addresses critics who claim she has aged poorly without resorting to fillers or botox

Canadian actress Shenae Grimes responded to online critics in a recent Instagram post she shared on Thursday. The 33-year-old, best known for her role in “90210,” announced the birth of her second child in 2021. She posted a video addressing rude comments about her perceived aging.

In her caption, she defended herself, stating, “The truth is, I’m just aging. I’m almost 34 years old with two kids—what else should you expect?” She recorded the video wearing a short-sleeved black top, showcasing her wispy bob haircut.

Grimes began her video message with, “Dear people of the internet,” revealing a hidden truth: “If you see a woman on here over the age of 30 who doesn’t look a little bit like this, she’s more than likely had something injected into her face.” She acknowledged that comments like “She aged terribly” often appear when she posts nostalgic clips from her teenage acting days.

Furthermore, Grimes highlighted the culture of distorted content prevalent on the internet. She explained, “One of the internet’s best-kept secrets is distorting our perception of reality significantly.” While recognizing that many are already aware of this, she admitted that constant exposure to images of seemingly effortless “perfection” can make it easy to lose touch with reality and judge oneself harshly.

The mother of two, married to English singer Josh Beech, clarified that she is not against cosmetic procedures. She expressed her support, saying, “I’m 100% in favor of Botox or filler or whatever it is you choose to do to feel confident in your skin. How you feel about yourself is crucial, and I am an advocate for doing whatever makes you feel your best.” Grimes also mentioned her own consideration of a breast augmentation following breastfeeding two children.

However, she emphasized the importance of transparency in beauty standards, stating, “I believe that transparency in beauty standards is more crucial now than ever.” Grimes expressed her respect for women who openly discuss these topics, whether they choose to age naturally or seek assistance.

“In a world that tells you that you look awful if you don’t chemically or surgically alter your face or body, and shames you for being ‘fake’ while praising your appearance when you do, it’s tough out there,” she passionately declared.

Grimes concluded her post with gratitude towards women who bring transparency to these discussions, despite the harsh judgment they often face. She urged everyone to be more upfront and kinder, concluding with a plea for greater understanding and empathy.

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